Protecting the people and things you hold dear
Many people take out insurance and then forget all about it. However, it makes sense to review your protection policies from time to time as your need for cover may have changed. For example, if you’ve moved home, or you have a new addition to your family, your existing insurance plans may no longer meet your needs. And don’t forget, making sure you have an up-to-date Will in place will give you and your family peace of mind too.
Hearth and home
Do you have the correct level of buildings and contents insurance? If you’ve extended your property or made home improvements, you should review your buildings sum assured, as it may need to be increased. If you and your family acquired high-value goods such as new phones and computers over Christmas, you may need to review your level of contents cover. It’s also important to make sure you have the right cover in place if you intend to use these items away from home.